Kettering Values: Communication. At Kettering everything is EASY

Communication is our number one Value for a reason here at Kettering.

At Kettering we practice EASY communication. That is,

  • Early – Don’t wait to contact someone, now is better than later. Communicate even when there is nothing to say. It shows you care and lets people know they haven’t been forgotten.
  • Appropriate – Think about how you communicate. Is an email the best way to get your message across or would it be better to pick up the phone.
  • Specific – Avoid being vague especially with dates and times.
  • Your Responsibility – While last, I believe this is the most important. It is everyone’s responsibility to communicate. We can’t control others so if communication isn’t happening we need to be the one to make it happen.

So often problems we have in our work comes back to communication issues. 

Good communication always helps, even when something goes wrong. While poor communication can cause all sorts of issues, even when something goes right. 


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